supportive teacher talking to studentWe are saddened and shaken by the horrific news from Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas yesterday. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families.

Nothing is more important than the safety and security of our students and staff. In the aftermath of this tragic event, it’s important that we share effective ways to communicate with students following a traumatic event, as outlined by the National Association of School Psychologists:

  • Create a sense of safety by returning to normal, predictable routines as soon as possible,
  • Listen to their concerns and feelings,
  • Suggest they limit their use of media to lower their stress and maintain balance and perspective, and
  • Realize that sleep difficulties are common and can lead to fatigue and poor participation.

Your local school’s counselors and administrators can offer more specific support, and if students are showing signs they are having trouble processing the recent events, please reach out. We also want to remind all that if you see something, say something. Utah’s SafeUT mobile application is an important resource that has been proven to save lives, please consider having it on hand.

Lastly, we want to thank all of our parents and educators for your vigilance in adhering to school safety protocols. Your actions are invaluable and are one more demonstration of why we are Murray.