Viewmont elementary

Even as the overall population growth slowed slightly in the early 1960s, it was determined that Murray needed two additional elementary schools on the east and west sides of town. For the west side, Viewmont Elementary was added in 1964. Shortly thereafter, Parkside was built on the east side.

Interestingly, the board decided and codified a policy against naming schools after people. So, the name Viewmont was chosen. Because of a large pocket of students living in the nearby Hidden Village neighborhood, the school could only accommodate grades 1 to 4 for the first few years. Grant Elementary hosted grades 5 and 6 for both schools until populations evened out. 

To this day, Viewmont is viewed as a friendly neighborhood school, with Riverview Junior High School located just a block away. The community enjoys a tight-knit identity and tradition with lots of school spirit and “Eagle Pride!”

Parents take an active role in the school’s community council and the local Parent Teacher Association, part of Region 19’s (Murray) PTA organization. They are also supportive of events that celebrate student achievement and performance with lots of engaging after-school activities.

Presently, Viewmont has an approximate enrollment of 450 students for grades K-6. They employ award-winning teachers, support professionals, other staff, and an administrator. The school’s principal is Lia Smith. You can learn more about the school and its faculty and staff at: