During the Spring of 2024, the Murray City School District sent out a calendar survey to gather feedback for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school calendars. We received 742 responses, with lots of feedback. A summary of the survey results are as follows:
What at the top priorities for the calendar?
Start the year early and end early (important for all groups)
- Longer Winter Break (important for all groups)
- Longer Spring Break (important for all groups)
- Fall Recess (important for all groups)
- Day off Before Thanksgiving (important for all groups)
Do you prefer a shorter or longer winter break?
- Shorter Winter Break – 262 responses (40%)
- Longer Winter Break – 391 responses (60%)
Note: Parent/Guardian vote is split at 51.1% for shorter winter break and 48.9% for longer winter break. Teacher vote is 69% for a longer winter break and support staff is 64% for a longer winter break.
Do you prefer a full week of Spring Break or a shorter Spring Break?
- Full Week of Spring Break – 470 response (71%)
- Shorter Spring Break – 187 responses (28%)
- No Spring Break – 5 responses (1%)
Note: All groups want a full week for spring break.
When do you prefer Spring Break?
- At the end of 3rd term? 312 responses (47%)
- Later in the Spring? 109 responses (17%)
- At the same time as other districts? 182 responses (28%)
- The same fixed week every year? 56 responses (8%)
Note: Parent/Guardian vote is 45% wanting Spring Break at the end of the 3rd term. Teacher vote is 52% for Spring Break at the end of 3rd term and support staff is 39% for Spring Break at the end of 3rd term. All groups indicate they would like Spring Break to line up with other districts.
When do you prefer the end of 2nd term?
- Before Winter Break – 413 responses (70%)
- After Winter Break – 178 responses (30%)
Note: Parent/Guardian vote is 75% wanting the 2nd term to end before winter break. Teacher vote is 64% wanting the 2nd term to end before winter break and support staff is 71% wanting the 2nd term to end before winter break.
When do you prefer Parent-Teacher Conferences?
- At the end of the term – 154 responses (24%)
- At the mid-point of the term as a progress report – 483 responses (76%)
The results from this survey will now be used to build draft calendar options for our stakeholders to vote on. Draft calendar information will be sent out in late September. This information will then be shared with the school board, who will make the final decision on calendars for both the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years in November/December.