Parents, we regret there was an error regarding the date for tonight’s Board meeting posted in a message sent out a couple weeks ago. The flyer stated the meeting (and opportunity for public comment) would be February 18, but should have stated February 8 (today) at 5 pm. We apologize for any confusion. You can see the revised version here.
There will still be two additional public comment opportunities at Board Meetings on March 14 and April 11. There will also be an informational meeting, March 7, 6-8 pm at the District Office, regarding Board recommendations for boundary and other facility changes. The Board will finalize their vote on the recommendations April 11.
As a reminder, monthly Board Meetings include a public comment period of 30 minutes toward the beginning; If you intend to make public comment, please arrive early to register participation for the available time slots; Public comments are limited to three minutes per comment. A signup sheet to make comment is located just as you enter the board room.