Murray Early Childhood Education Center
73 West 6100 South, Murray, UT
Kristin Millet – Coordinator – 801-264-7404
Kelli Kercher – Supervisor, MCSD Special Education Director –801-264-7400
Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year
Completion of registration for ECEC on the Aspire online system does not guarantee enrollment. All registration is to be completed through Preschool Coordinator Kristin Millet prior to online registration.
Murray Early Childhood Education preschool programs are designed to promote the development of the whole child and to offer a wide variety of experiences in the areas of social, emotional, academic and creative growth.
Classes for 3-year-old children (most of whom will turn 4 during the school year) meet two days a week on Tuesday and Thursday, morning or afternoon, or on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. A three-day option also meets in the mornings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Morning classes meet from 9 – 11:30 a.m. and afternoon classes meet from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. The emphasis for these children is socialization, self-help skills, and hands-on learning.
Registration is first-come, first-served and will remain open as long as space is available.
A fee of $75 must be received for each child you register. This fee covers all incidental expenses during the year. You may drop it off at the ECEC. A drop box is located near the front doors. Tuition is due monthly. in order to process payments accurately, ALL payments must be placed inside a clearly labeled envelope.
Head Start in Murray Information
The Murray Early Childhood Education Center is a partner site with SLCAP Head Start. For questions or concerns regarding the Head Start program located within the ECEC or Head Start classroom located at Grant Elementary school, call 801-972-2337.
Additional ECEC Information
PARENTS: If you have concerns about your child’s development, please call us to determine if your child is eligible for FREE screening. Children must be 3–5 years of age and live within the Murray School District boundaries. Safe and Orderly School Policy: No person shall, based on sex, race, national origin, age, and/or disability, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in employment or any of the programs or activities. Murray Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC) programs comply with the Murray School District Safe and Orderly Schools Policy (PS 416). Copies of this policy are available in the ECEC and Murray School District offices.