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Parents districtwide are invited to attend Liberty Elementary’ s Ready, Tech, Go! night, March 13, 6-7 pm at Liberty Elementary. Thanks to support from AT&T and National PTA, Liberty Elementary PTA secured a grant from program organizers and want to make it available to all parents in the Murray City School District. Participating families will receive content that will empower and inform good decisions about preparing students for healthy phone and other digital device use.

Have You Ever Asked Yourself This…?

If you’ve wondered, ‘when is the right time or should I ever allow my child to own cell phone?’ Or, ‘what are the best-in-class tools and settings for ensuring my child is protected from a myriad of dangers associated with digital devices?’ This program is for you.

The Ready, Tech, Go! program helps families, parents, and caregivers navigate these challenges through meaningful peer-to-peer discussions about screen readiness and ways to promote healthy and responsible device use for all members of the family.

The event will also feature some pretty incredible swag bags and prize drawings you won’t want to m

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