Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda
The Board approved minutes, claims, financial report, and 2nd Readings of IN 340, ADM 216, SP 950, and Fraud Risk Assessment.
The board heard individual reports from Region 19 PTA (Cheree Larson); Murray Education Association (MESPA) (Amy Roberds); Murray Association of Administrators (MAA) (Mindy Ball and Susan Wright – Horizon Report); Murray Education Foundation (MEF) (Jeanne Habel).
Report of the Board
Individual board members took a few minutes each to share their thoughts on: Back to School Nights; vestibules are good; new high school hall passes and flex program good so far; three schools have safety traffic issues; golf tournament volunteers thanked; PTA leadership thanked; Board attended leadership academy conference; Attendance initiative up and running; Working to increase Board visibility in the community.
The Board also reviewed Y2 Analytics Survey Questions, discussed, and asked questions; Survey is nearly ready to go out.
Report of the Staff
- Required School Board Training was discussed.
- Request to do Research (Mitch Wyatt)
- Request to do Research (N. Songer)
- Request to do Research (Y. Wu)
- 2nd Reading of ADM 225 Parent/Family Engagement Policy
- 1st Reading of PS 418 Bullying and Hazing
- Mental Health Screener (Darren Dean)
- Elementary Early Interactive Software Program (Missy Hamilton)
- 2023-2024 Overnight Travel Request – 2nd Reading
- 2023-2024 School Fees Requests – 2nd Reading
- BU 705 Regulation and Rental of Buildings and Grounds – 2nd Reading
- TSSA Amendments
- Enrollment Report
[Go Here to Review the Full Meeting Agenda and Supporting Documents]