The Murray City School District has gathered substantial feedback over the past few years regarding school calendar preferences from both parents and employees.  We have taken this input and worked in partnership with the Murray Education Association to arrive at two (2) calendar options for the 2021-2022 school year.

We would invite you to review the two (2) calendar options carefully and vote for your preference.  Also, please note that the calendar option that is selected for the 2021-2022 school year will also be the template for the 2022-2023 school year.

Click here to see the two calendar options, including summary descriptions for each and a mockup of each potential calendar.

Click here to take the three-question survey to voice your preference.

or use this QR code to be directed there.






For reference, you can see this year’s and last year’s calendars here.

Voting will conclude on Friday, November 24th @ 4:00 PM.  Thank you for taking the time to make your preference known.