student reporting


Consent Agenda

After approving the minutes, claims, and financial report, the board took up a second reading of calendar adjustments for the 2023-24 school year. They agreed to proceed to move parent/teacher conference (PTC) from February 12-15, 2024 to February 26-29, and subsequently moved the PTC compensatory day from February 16 to March 1. They also agreed to add a teacher workday on May 3, 2024.


The board heard individual reports from: McMillan Elementary PTA; Murray Education Association (MEA); Murray Association of Administrators (MAA); Murray Education Support Professionals Association (MESPA); Murray Education Foundation (MEF).

  • McMillan PTA provided an overview of activities and events held this year
  • MEA shared survey results from teachers – things they like about Murray along with challenges
  • MAA touched on student attendance, among other items
  • MESPA facility and maintenance representatives shared challenges, ideas, and requests
  • MEF talked about 20th Annual Pinnacle awards and upcoming golf tournament on August 25

Report of the Board

Individual board members took a few minutes each to share their thoughts on SB activities they engaged in over the past month.

  • Issues included spring sports makeup; Grant Elementary has too many dogs; recognition of the hard work into MEF activities; appreciation for PTA’s efforts; National School Board Association Convention was successful – struggles in Murray are very similar to those across the country; community councils are a great tool we have to connect with parents; County Parks and Rec engagement has been positive; coordination council with city is helpful. 

Report of the Staff

  • PS 446.2 MHS Citizenship Credit Requirements for Graduation (first reading): Scott Wihongi introduced and requested the addition of a new one remediation option for students,  offering attendance at events to remove a “U”.
  • Calendar Adjustments 2 2023-24 SY (first reading): Darron Dean requested additional minor calendar adjustments; Kindergarten to conduct assessments first week of school, then have last few days for assessment.
  • Facility Planning: Superintendent Covington shared information about Y2 Analytics procedures and plans for surveys; Some urgency with goal to be done by June 2. Board approved contract.

Superintendent Report

  • MHS Football Overnight Travel Request (2023-24 SY) (second reading): Superintendent Covington re-addressed football camp in Richfield; Board approved.
  • Board Meeting Schedule for 2023-24 SY: Superintendent proposed schedule for board; meetings and will be second Thursday of each month (with no conflicts anticipated); study sessions will be fourth Thursday with a couple of noted exceptions; Board approved.
  • School LAND Trust Amendments: Superintendent shared reallocation of money to education support professional time with students, technology needs, and word study curriculum; requesting $5000 to TL Aide, $11000 to TL supplies to tech equipment, $3000 TL supplies to tech equipment; Board approved.
  • School LAND Trust Plans 2023-24 SY (first reading): Superintendent shared estimated distributions for each school (just under $1M in total); assigned board members to specific schools to review in preparation to study session on April 27. 
  • Student Success Plans 2023-24 (first reading): Superintendent outlined student success plans; emphasized most of the funding goes toward human resources; to be discussed April 27.

[Go Here to Review the Full Meeting Agenda and Supporting Documents]