ROBO CALLAs we mourn the loss of students and educators in the Nashville community, please be aware there are now hoax threats in Utah and across the country. Sadly, individuals are distributing messages by way of robocalls (swatting) to parents, educators, schools, or law enforcement describing a pending or active threat.
At least one TV station in Salt Lake is reporting that Murray High has been the recipient of such threats. However, in communication with Murray City Police, this has NOT happened.
Please know all threats should be taken seriously – we cannot let our guard down. When you see or hear something, say something. If you receive one of these messages, please contact Murray City Police so that they can investigate the credibility and escalate if necessary.
Also, communication with our children about incidents (like the one in Nashville) is essential. Please keep those channels of communication open to ensure students have the support they need to deal with tragedy and loss. We appreciate our open channels of communication and swift support from Murray City Police.