safeut app on phoneThe SafeUT app is a lifeline to critical help when needed. Connecting a child, family member, or friend with licensed counselors through this simple mobile application is easy and important. And, yes, we do value it here locally.

Like other school districts, Murray directly connects with licensed counselors managing the SafeUT program. We estimate receiving notice on at least one tip per week with all kinds of concerns and crises our students are experiencing.

Most tips involve junior high students, but high school students are also well-represented. And the person experiencing the crisis isn’t always using SafeUT – often, it’s a family member or friend. So we all play a key role in looking out for one another.

How it Works

Everyone is encouraged to use SafeUT, and there are several different ways in which they can connect. This includes the SafeUT mobile device application, available for free in mobile application stores. But also by phone (833-372-3388) or website chat ( 24/7. 

When someone reaches SafeUT, they are immediately connected with a counselor ready to listen. The conversation is confidential but designed to provide a listening ear that ultimately gets the individual in touch with extended and ongoing help – sometimes through Murray City School District.

In our coordination efforts, Murray works with front-line Safe-UT counselors to connect students with local resources and the support they need to get through challenging situations. Confidentiality, regardless of the crisis or concern, is a key feature of the program. We honor and respect family privacy as it plays a role in healing.

Our crisis response also includes the invaluable expertise and support of our behavioral health and social workers. Their analysis of situations is instrumental in helping students with the support they need to achieve wellness first and then academic success next. [See How MCSD Partners to Address Mental Health Issues.]

Families are encouraged to leverage SafeUT resources, whether for themselves or as a tip for someone who is struggling with concerns big or small. 

It’s also good to know that the SafeUT program has extended to offering apps for individuals and family members of those in law enforcement, healthcare, or military occupations. Again, visit for more information.