football practiceIn Utah, including Murray City School District (MCSD), public school fees are determined by each school district and can vary depending on the services and resources provided by the district. Public schools are funded by state, local, and federal funds. 

Fees are charged to supplement additional or enhanced activities and resources. They can include various things, like textbooks, uniforms, musical instruments, transportation, technology, and extracurricular activities. In some cases, schools may also charge fees for specialized programs or services, such as advanced placement classes or special education services. 

The word FEES is written on the brown notebook. Nearby pencilsEach year, the Murray Board of Education, superintendent, and business manager review current operating costs and projected revenues with school administrators to determine what’s appropriate for the following year. Those are presented to the public for comment, discussed and adjusted in Board meetings, and then adopted and posted. 

However, a relief valve exists for families who cannot afford some or all fees. Public schools in Utah must provide fee waivers for those who qualify based on income eligibility requirements listed on forms parents can submit when they register their students before school starts.

You can watch the MCSD website for fee postings each year in the Winter – each fee has a “Spend Plan” that outlines how the fees will be used. Go to the home page and look for the School Fees link on the middle menu bar. You can also watch for when school fees are discussed as a Board of Education item, usually in February each year.

Contact your school’s secretary or administration if you have questions about school fees or waivers.