Viewmont Elementary librarian reviews library inventoryLibraries have long been an important fixture in school buildings, supporting student learning and academic success. Libraries provide access to a wide variety of books, digital resources, and other materials that not only support curriculum learning but also give students an opportunity to explore their own personal interests.

But just as important, libraries offer a warm, welcoming, safe, and communal space in the school where students can go to feel comfortable. It’s also a great calming setting that helps kids focus, dream, and pursue their own interests.

MCSD libraries are managed by knowledgeable and trained librarians who understand the different types of literary works, basic cataloging systems, and reading levels of students. They also manage the review and purchase of new additions to materials and how to make all materials accessible to parents for their own review. random books in a library on a shelf

Currently, parents can review all MCSD library materials through an online search tool found here:

Librarians also collaborate with teachers to develop lesson plans and incorporate library resources into classroom activities. This is sometimes an important tipping point that helps students feel more comfortable and confident using their school’s library resources. But it also plants a seed to develop a lifelong love of reading and critical preparation for using libraries later in life through their communities and universities.

In addition to traditional print resources, our school libraries offer Utah’s Online Library databases, e-newspapers, and other research tools. Some of our libraries also offer audiobooks and a limited selection of ebooks. This digital access supports the diverse needs and learning preferences of our students in and out of the classroom.

student engaged in maker space activityAnd finally, MCSD libraries are also often the focal point for additional programs and activities that stimulate learning. Murray High School, for example, offers an interesting Makerspace program that empowers kids with materials and tools for expressing their creativity, such as 3D modeling and printing, podcasting, and design. 

And most MCSD libraries also sponsor events such as after-school study groups, book clubs, and reading challenges, along with other programs that improve digital literacy and academic writing.

If you have questions, contact your school’s librarian. You can also get more information on the district page for library resources and information.