child on a slide

We hope you are having a wonderful Summer Break, staying safe, and making lots of fun memories. This is just a simple PSA to remind you of some important dates coming at the end of July and into August as we get ready for the 2023-24 School Year.

July 26: School Registration Opens. This will again be offered online and is mandatory for all to complete (regardless if your student attended last year). We will send out notices on that day to walk you through the process.

August 1: School Front Offices Open. This is the first day back for school administrators and the first day when you can contact them with questions. Prior to this, if you have questions or need help, go to your school’s website for information or you can contact the district office.

calendar with pinsAugust 18: 7th Grade Begins. This is the first day for seventh graders at Hillcrest and Riverview Jr. Highs. It’s a great opportunity to start without the pressures of navigating a new school and classroom learning system.

August 21: Grades 1-6, 8-12 Begin. Everyone else but kindergarteners return to school.

August 28: Kindergarten Begins

We can’t wait to reunite with your kiddos, but until then, continue to have a great Summer vacation. If you have questions or need help with anything in the meantime, contact the district office at (801) 264-7400 or visit our website where you can find lots of information, including our yearly calendar at